CV / Contact


Research Team at Affinity (2024 onwards)
  • Software development of Affinity applications (predominantly Affinity Photo/raster based workflows) using C++, Objective-C, C#.
  • Researching and implementing features/functionality for future app development.
  • Continuation of some responsibilities from previous Product Expert role (tutorials, demos, technical support, producing content using photography/image editing skills).
Product Expert (Affinity Photo) & Product Expert Team Leader at Serif Europe Ltd (2019 onwards)
  • Continuation of Affinity Educator role and its responsibilities (see below).
  • Producing video tutorials & written tutorials for Affinity products, predominantly Affinity Photo.
  • Managing a team of product experts who specialise in each app (Affinity Designer, Affinity Publisher).
  • Providing technical support, training and advanced demos for companies and organisations in all three apps (Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer, Affinity Publisher).
  • Using photography and image editing skills to create material for tutorials, training & demo purposes.
Affinity Educator at Serif Europe Ltd (2016-2019)
  • Voicing, recording and editing video tutorials for Affinity software including Photo, Photo iPad, Designer iPad.
  • Demonstrating Affinity software to private sectors, journalists, members of public.
  • Stills photography for tutorial samples and Spotlight articles.
  • Technically accurate photography to aid software feature development.
  • Adding/modifying functionality for Affinity Help bundles with JavaScript, CSS & HTML. Providing technical write-ups for advanced Affinity Photo features.
  • Training staff members and external bodies on Affinity Photo.
  • Set-up and maintenance of video live streaming/recording facilities.
  • Live vision & audio mixing for launch events.
  • Technical support to end users of Affinity Photo.
  • Varied video & motion graphics work, e.g. practical shooting series.
  • 3D scene composition & rendering, detailed asset creation including PBR texturing.
  • App development for internal use using C++, ObjC, Swift (e.g. media encoding).
  • Writing technical articles, producing practical 'Shooting Series' and other supporting content for Affinity Spotlight.
  • Additional voiceover work (e.g. phone messages for automated call system).
Junior Technical Author at Serif Europe Ltd (2014-2016)
  • Authoring help for Serif's Plus product range (e.g. PhotoPlus, PagePlus, WebPlus).
  • Authoring Affinity help bundles with HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
  • Producing video tutorials for Serif WebPlus, DrawPlus, PhotoPlus & PagePlus.
  • Producing video tutorials for Affinity Photo.
Video Editor and Cameraman at Teaching Art Ltd
  • Shooting, editing and delivering instructional painting DVDs.
  • Scripting, shooting and editing television adverts for SAA (Society for All Artists) products.
  • Shooting and editing studio-based television series "A Splash of Paint".
  • Media encoding & Broadcast compliance for media deliverables.
  • Technical studio experience—lighting, camera equipment, working with talent, audio.
  • Product photography for SAA products.
  • Voiceover work for product webclips and adverts.


  • Photography: Providing photographic material for specific purposes - promotional, product, tuitional. In-depth technical knowledge of photography.
  • Technical: Programming background and extensive game design experience allows me to learn and understand technical features/concepts quickly & easily. Highly skilled in researching and carrying out technical requirements, e.g. producing a live studio solution with capture cards and streaming software that allows 4K recording with simultaneous live streaming, plus the ability to share the mix over conferencing software for demos & training.
  • Programming: Working knowledge of multiple programming languages, able to adapt and become familiar with different working practices quickly.
  • Video: Shooting and editing high quality video that is technically accurate. Familiar with both location & studio work. Skilled with multiple editing software packages, experienced with post production and delivery techniques.
  • Training: Producing video tutorials with concise, clear presentation. Can develop skills without formal structure or tuition, then educate others using this knowledge. Developing and using own material (e.g. photography).
  • Development: Developing media applications, web development, tutorials & help documentation, game engine programming & design.
  • Broadcast: Video preprocessing, content compliance, audio treatment, colour correction, colour conversion.
  • Voiceover: Delivering clear, accurate voiceovers for marketing & tuition purposes.


  • Image Editing/Compositing: Affinity Photo, Photoshop
  • Media Encoding/Preprocessing: ffmpeg, x264/x265, AviSynth, VapourSynth
  • Video Editing/Compositing: Avid Media Composer, Final Cut Pro, Premiere, After Effects, Motion, Fusion, Camtasia, Edius
  • Programming: JavaScript, C++, Objective-C, C#, HTML, CSS, UnrealScript
  • 3D Design: Unreal Engine 1/2/3/4, Blender, 3DS Max

Further Experience

  • Working with professional and amateur talent for video & photography shoots.
  • Audio recording and post production, mixing to a professional standard.
  • Delivering for print with image colour management.
  • Leader & programmer of "Fraghouse" game design team, producing Unreal Engine mods, 2000-2007. Experience with programming, level design, modelling, sound design, texture/material design.
